Biogeograpical clASSIFICATION
The WII Classification uses four levels of planning unit. These are:
» The Biogeographic Zone
Large distinctive units of similar ecology, biozone representation, community and species e.g. The Himalaya, The Western Ghats.
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» The biotic Province
Secondary units within a zone, giving weight to particular communities separated by dispersal barriers or gradual change in environmental factors e.g. North West and West Himalaya either side of the Sutlej River.
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» The Land Region
A tertiary set of units within a province, indicating different land forms, e.g. Aravalli Mountains ad Malwa Plateau in Gujarat-Rajwara Province.
» The Biome
This is an ecological unit, not a biogeographic unit. A biome such as swamp/wetland or temperate broad leaved forest could be found in several biogeographic zones or provices